Useful phrases that can help you make yourself understood in English while travelling. Do you know how an English native speaker would ask for taking a photo of themselves or how to answer a shop assistent if you are just looking? Discover phrases from real situtations such as: “Can I help you? Thanks, just browsing.”, ”Would you mind taking my picture?” or “Excuse me, are you from round here?”
Real and natural phrases for giving and asking for directions. Don’t be like a human statue if someone stops you on the street and, without stuttering, confidently help English speaking tourists. No textbook junk required.
Informal e-mails in English
Writing without strict grading requirements :-)
Social networks language
Short phrases / expressions used on social media.
- I can't get enough of people getting mad online because ...
- that’s some damn quality sarcasm right there!
- Love this tool - it's potentially going to save me a massive headache!
- The best sharing buttons i've ever witnessed. The sheer simplicity is mind blowing.
- Hey buddy, stop marketing your Giphy clone everywhere. It's kinda annoying
Online chat language
Simplified English used in online discussions and chats. The grammar? Don't sweat it!
- Love this tool - it's potentially going to save me a massive headache!
- The best sharing buttons i've ever witnessed. The sheer simplicity is mind blowing.
- Hey buddy, stop marketing your Giphy clone everywhere. It's kinda annoying
- These days Telegram has taken over instead
- Google chat time has been dwindling and it took a nosedive when third-party support was crippled
Eating and drinking out
Useful phrases for hanging out in pubs, cafés, dining out etc.
Proficiency Idiomatic expressions- Collocations
We need to learn phrases- lexical chunks to be a native-like speaker. I wanna share useful phrases with you all.
Se présenter en français
Introducing yourself in French
- Je suis travailleur indépendant
- Je connais aussi un peu du taïwanais, du cantonais, de l'espéranto
- Ma langue maternelle est l'anglais, et je peux parler le mandarin, le français, le gallois, l'irlandais, l'allemand, l'espagnol, le japonais
- Les langues m'ont fasciné depuis longtemps
- j'ai une passion pour la musique