• point out
  • emphasize
  • important
  • presentation
Displaying 1-16 of 18 results.

typical idioms (ANGER and HAPPINESS)

TO GO BANANAS - (to get very angry) MAKE THE AIR TURN BLUE - (to get furious) TO GO UP IN THE AIR (to get furious) DRIVE SOMEONE UP THE WALL (make someone to get very angry) TO BE ON CLOUD NINE - (to be very happy)

Startups and apps

This collection is aimed at helping you present your tech startups or apps in English. You can memorize useful phrases for presenting, pitching, being interviewed on your product or service. Use the same clever collocations as successful startups used and still use in their interviews clipped from tech blogs. Such as: "Ping was born from a personal frustration with having a...", "Our Aim is To Bridge The Gap Between...", "At the core of the app lies a clever algorithm that allows" etc.

Emails and other online communication

Learn from real emails how to arrange a meeting, naturally asking for help or advice, requesting information, follow up communications like a human. How to open and close emails formally and informally. Imagine starting an email with “Sorry to be a pain, but can you…, ”Sorry for delay in getting back to you" or "Let me know if it works for you but no hurry"