Displaying 17-32 of 35 results.
You are bigfattalover mohammad alright , and must be sure , fatta master.
أخصائي تدريب منظمات ، ومدرب إداري .. مهتم في الفكر النهضوي الحضاري ..
19 Years old ... Love Designing , Hiphop Dancing , Anime , Physics , Psychology , & I really love me smiling ^_^ ...
Cei care sunt afara au datoria ca intr-o buna zi, sa aduca inapoi in Romania ceea ce au invatat! Fiecare persoana are un rol in viata noastra. Oamenii buni ne ofera fericire. Oameni rai ne ofera experiente. Oamenii cei mai rai ne dau lectii Oamenii
A newcomer of twitter from Taiwan. Native Mandarin speaker, English is also available, and can understand Japanese.
English teacher
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