Displaying 529-544 of 873 results.
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Learning new languages, as easy as #xyz. Next gen. foreign language learning platform. *Estado actual: en fase de desarrollo. http://t.co/cU7z0xUzjg
I am from France and now studying Labor law in germany. I speak French, German and English. I currently work on translations of german labor law phrases. I would be grateful if you can take a look at my translations and give some feedbacks.
Cei care sunt afara au datoria ca intr-o buna zi, sa aduca inapoi in Romania ceea ce au invatat! Fiecare persoana are un rol in viata noastra. Oamenii buni ne ofera fericire. Oameni rai ne ofera experiente. Oamenii cei mai rai ne dau lectii Oamenii